Joe Colton

My G.I. Joe World The Basics G.I. Joe: Active Roster G.I. Joe: Elite Ops Cobra M.A.R.S./ Iron Grenadiers Dreadnoks Coil Firefly Inc. The Plague Cobra-La Night Creepers SKYnet The Underground Arashikage The Estrela Family

The Original

Rumored to be the man G.I. Joe was named after, General Joe Colton has many years of experience behind him and has seen more action than ten Marines combined.  He has a tough, grizzled appearance that makes most people cower at the sight of him, but to those who know him, he is a kind and gentle man.   Now that he has been chosen as the commanding officer of The Adventure Team, he has a tight knit group of soldiers that follow him around the world and look up to him as a father.