My G.I. Joe World

My G.I. Joe World The Basics G.I. Joe: Active Roster G.I. Joe: Elite Ops Cobra M.A.R.S./ Iron Grenadiers Dreadnoks Coil Firefly Inc. The Plague Cobra-La Night Creepers SKYnet The Underground Arashikage The Estrela Family

Who am I?

You may know me as alleyviperelite or simply AVE on various fansites.  I have been a fan of G.I. Joe as long as I remember.  I was born in 1980 so the first couple years of the RAH line I missed since I was still chewing on Fisher Price toys.  But I remember that first Firefly and then the Dusty and Buzzer that led to my lifelong obsession, except for a few years from high school to college when I thought I was too cool for toys.  But here I am now and the obsession grows.....

Why Am I Here?

Customizing joes started out as a simple enough hobby for me.  Repaint a figure, maybe switch out a part here and there, but as with most hobbies it has evolved...alot.  The more customs I completed, the more that I wanted to do.  Ideas started popping in my head and my pieces got alot more elaborate.  Sculpting and reworking the molds became a standard part of every custom.  Then came the bios.  A part of me I never knew existed came out because of the hobby and that is the enjoyment of writing.  I began fleshing out how the characters worked for me and soon I was writing two and three paragraphs about every figure I finished instead of a sentence or two.  So here is where I intend to flesh out my own joeverse a little more.  It is my world so there are things that don't agree with the comic or cartoon but please keep an open mind and give it a try.  So check out my customs, read my custom bios, and wish me well on this latest experiment in the hobby.  Feel free to contact through email and let me know what you think.



Latest Updates

January 3, 2008:  -Changed Look and Feel of site for the heck of it.   I haven't forgot about it.


Ongoing: -I have been working on new photo backgrounds to better clarify everyone's factions and groups. I will be continuing to update all of the pictures on the site as I get them taken and resized.

July 4, 2007: -Setup Sigma Force page under G.I. Joe: Elite Ops -Scarlett moved from Active Roster to Sigma Force -Heavy Duty moved from Active Roster to Sigma Force

July 3, 2007: -Setup Adventure Team page under G.I. Joe: Elite Ops -Joe Colton added to Adventure Team -Alpine added to Adventure Team -Bazooka added to Adventure Team -Dialtone added to Adventure Team -Tollbooth added to Adventure Team -Scoop added to Adventure Team -Alexander added to Iron Grenadiers -Metalhead added to Iron Grenadiers -Nullifier added to Iron Grenadiers

June 27, 2007: -Setup page for G.I. Joe: Elite Ops, no links working on it yet

June 13, 2007: -Brutis added to Estrela Family

June 12, 2007: -Setup Estrela Family page -Mortal added to Estrela Family -Abutre Negro added to Estrela Family -Ninja Ku added to Estrela Family

May 31, 2007: -Kamakura added to G.I. Joe

May 23, 2007: -Dusty added to G.I. Joe -Freight added to G.I. Joe -Heavy Metal added to G.I. Joe -Jinx added to G.I. Joe

May 22, 2007: -Backblast added to G.I. Joe -I also added Roadblock to G.I. Joe sometime back but forgot to add it here -Vapor added to Cobra -Wild Weasel added to Cobra

May 21, 2007: -Cade & Murdoch added to The Plague -Daniels & Styles added to The Plague -Added a Feedback page to allow visitors to give me some input. -Eaton & Lane added to The Plague -Harris & Storm added to The Plague

May 11, 2007: -Hall & Nash added to The Plague -Adams & Clark added to The Plague

March 6, 2007: -Chuckles added to G.I. Joe

January 26, 2007: -Wreckage added to G.I. Joe sometime back, forgot to announce it here -Skystriker added to G.I. Joe -Changed Nightghost's name to Ghost

January 9. 2007: -Arashikage page setup -Storm Shadow added to Arashikage -Shadow Strike added to Arashikage -Nightshade added to Arashikage

January 3, 2007: -Big Ben added to G.I. Joe -Salvo added to G.I. Joe

December 5, 2006: -Lift-Ticket added to G.I. Joe -Holeshot link now working under Dreadnoks -Wild Bill added to G.I. Joe -Rock 'N' Roll added to G.I. Joe -Heavy Duty added to G.I. Joe -Doc added to G.I. Joe

December 4, 2006: -Cobra-La page setup -Dr. Mindbender added to Cobra-La

November 26, 2006: -Gnawgahyde added to Dreadnoks. -Black Dragon added to G.I. Joe. -Doc's page is setup but not linked yet due to lack of photo. -Heavy Duty's page setup but not linked due to lack of photo. -Outback added to G.I. Joe. -Red Dog added to G.I. Joe. -RoboJoe added to G.I. Joe. -Rock 'N Roll's page is setup but not linked due to lack of picture. -Taurus added to G.I. Joe. -Wild Bill's page is setup but not linked due to lack of photos. -Zartan added to Dreadnoks. -Road Pig added to Dreadnoks.

November 25, 2006: Uploading thumbnails. -Scarlett's and Valkyrie's pages are working under GI Joe. -All other thumbs are placeholders right now. -Added Darklon's page under Springfield Coalition. -Billy's page is now working under Springfield Coalition. -Ghost Bear's page is working under Springfield coalition. -Tiger Claw's page is working under Springfield Coalition. -Gung-Ho's page is working under G.I. Joe.

November 24, 2006: Started the site. Setup all of the main facton pages.

Thank You

Thanks go to my Mom and Dad for buying me the Joes and not stifling my creativity.  Thanks for not getting too mad when I started taking those Joes apart and swapping parts.  

I thank my wonderful girlfriend for being behind me on this project and assuring me that it was a great idea.  Thank you for beng so understanding.

I also want to thank Beav and everyone at joecustoms for allowing me to hang out there and the feedback I received on my work.  They have truly fueled my creativity.

My Contact Information