Tiger Claw

My G.I. Joe World The Basics G.I. Joe: Active Roster G.I. Joe: Elite Ops Cobra M.A.R.S./ Iron Grenadiers Dreadnoks Coil Firefly Inc. The Plague Cobra-La Night Creepers SKYnet The Underground Arashikage The Estrela Family

Chad Johnson

Chad Johnson was lucky enough for Snake Eyes to deem worthy enough for training. The young man was always inspired by martial arts movies and experts as a child and studied intently all his life believing it was his destiny to become a legend. Now in his early twenties he turned his back on training with a true Arashikage master after only two years of teachings.


Impatient and wanting to make a difference in the world Tiger Claw knew he would have to wait in the shadows of Snake-Eyes and Kamakura before receiving his chance to prove himself in battle. When he heard of the terrorist attacks on Cobra Island he began asking around about the attackers. When he heard that Tiger Claw was asking around, Billy contacted him and explained his goals for attacking Cobra Island. Tiger Claw loved the sound of this and knew this was his true destiny. He left to join Billy while Snake Eyes and Kamakura were on a mission.

When joining up with Billy he removed his mask so the whole world would know he helped take down the evils of Cobra. He has become quite the expert with the hook swords and with the help of Ghost Bear he has learned to effectively dual wield pistols or Uzis. This group has also led him to find what he is sure is the woman he is destined to be with. He knows that fate has drawn him and Zanya, the Dreadnok princess, close together for a reason.